Writing Tips & To-Do Items:

AUDIO room held on LinkedIn


You will enjoy this audio from a workshop co-lead with Steve on LinkedIn. The title sez it all:

Author Bio Directions

What are you on a mission to accomplish? 

{Your name here} is on a mission to ___________. 

150 words max. - this has been increased for Vol 7

2 social media or 'other' links of any type 


Due no later than Thursday, the day before your workshop. 

Email to: taglinequeen@gmail.com

Book Promotion
Collab expectations

Clear, smiling png or jpg. Selfie is OK.

Backgrounds are removed, so don't worry about the setting.


All ships rise with the tide. For about a week following the workshop, we promote one another's chapters with memes created for you.




I can't wait to introduce you to the other co-authors who continue to support the Rattled Awake movement, including your upcoming volume!

1st - Writer Tips

🔊5min Audio on: word count (it is now 1.5k to 4k), content limits, how to write.    


Absolutely no A.I. content to be passed off as your writing. 


🚩 Please watch this video in advance of your writing workshop weekend.


NOTE: this is NOT the FORMAT we use, however it will help you consider the points you want to make or aspects to cover in your chapter. 

Message Matters

🔊 5min Audio 

Examples of how you can parlay an historical story, quote or one-liner into the opening for your chapter.

A request to have your MESSAGE ready for the workshop.

Please Do ASAP

{Lead by Steve who co-lead Rattled Awake: Volume One}

(This is global motivational speaker, Lisa Nichols, who is referred to in the video)

Audio Tips for Writers

Tips for Writers

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