I've been Rattled Awake soo much...

I had to do another chapter on food safety because APEEL ain't appealing and ham shouldn't spark in the microwave.


BUT there's more - yes, a way to work around the tainted products and produce - a way to suss-out the shady stuff that works...it's all in this chapter.


Get the book.


👇Below, 30+ links to videos and resources mentioned in this article.


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Lonnee Rey’s “This Bugs Me” definitely goes behind the curtains of our disillusioned world. Once the scales have been peeled off your eyes, you can’t pretend to be ignorant anymore.  3D printed meat? Wow, only in America…. Even the eating of bugs, seriously? In Zimbabwe, yes we have mopane worms that are roasted, slightly salted, and eaten as a delicacy, a good source of protein.  But putting bug larvae in cookies and flour, popularizing them with celebrity propaganda, that’s a whole nother level! 


Yes, I agree with you in your town cry, Lonnee.  Is it no wonder that in the most powerful, most “informed” country in the world, 72% of the population is overweight and obese? What are we putting in our bodies? What is really “organic”? No wonder there are so many health crises! Yet there’s hope. 


Lonnee gives us great resources to use and vote with our feet. Each one, teach one for sure, and let's get on those dance floors! 



"This Bugs Me" food chapter:        "This Bugs Me" video links pdf:


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Over the past 5 years, what is the single biggest event that caused you to change your perspective? What shook you up? Food tainting & lab grown meat really shook Lonnee - she had to get the word out. 

One Chapter + One Weekend = Best-selling Author 4EVR

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